A review by wildflowerz76
Bloodroot by Susan Wittig Albert


Sometimes I'm in the mood for a regency-type romance. Sometimes it's a good scifi. Or maybe an epic fantasy. Or some standard fiction. And then, sometimes I'm in the mood for a nice, popcorn, cozy mystery. This is the 10th is such a series. So imagine my surprise, when I don't get a cozy mystery with all it's quirky characters, but some sort of generational family drama. With ghosts. Um, what?

The story here was okay, but it doesn't fit into the rest of this series AT ALL. I mean, there are ghosts for god's sake! What the heck? This is the second of this series to uproot the main character from her home town and take her somewhere else. And I appreciate that...because how many times have you read a long series of mysteries set in the same small town and thought, "Why aren't these people concerned that so many people are being murdered in their town??" And I appreciated that, unlike the last of this series where they uprooted, there wasn't a giant cast of characters to keep up with.

Yeah, this was okay, but it wasn't what I wanted to read.