A review by heyitslittlebit
My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent

Re-reading in 2022 and wow. It's weird because I still really liked the story, but I definitely see my age influencing my opinions of characters. Still enjoyable, only taking 1 star off because based on my previous review below, I probably shouldn't have given it 4 stars to begin with.


I absolutely loved the premise of this book. I honestly didn't expect the plot to go in the direction it did.

So, to start, I love the murder mystery feel it gives. Who's killing these girls? What did Kaylee's uncle mean by "living on borrowed time"? What the heck is a bean sidhe? Let me tell you right now, I am not pronouncing it correctly at all.

The characters are unique and mysterious in a way, and the use of comedic relief is perfect. I absolutely love Tod, and I really hope he is in the sequel because he's just fabulous. He's sarcastic and annoying, but he's also intense and you can already tell that he likes Kaylee which is awesome because I'm always up for a love triangle that makes me want to tear my heart in two.

Nash is actually not my favorite. I think he is kind of needy, in a very subtle way.

Kaylee is great, but she needs to give her father some credit. The way she disobeys him and continues to get involved in reaper business is not okay. I don't like her attitude.

Overall, I really did enjoy this book, and I'm hoping that the rest of the series is just as enjoyable.