A review by shai3d
Born Mobster by Paige Dearth


I don't know about being a BORN MOBSTER but life has certainly forced Tony down that path. From a young child, Tony faced bullying at school and abuse at home. Even so, he was still a child that could experience love. It wasn't until he went to Juvie to save a friend that he experienced the true depravity that adults can drop too.

Even after reading this story, I can't say whether or not I enjoyed it. It kept me reading but it is far from a comfortable story. Tony is a strong individual and I wish that I could say that his experiences were unusual but they really weren't. Life can be hell for some children and it amazes me that we don't have more BORN MOBSTERs among us.

I wasn't really happy about the ending as it pretty much concludes Tony's story and then tells the reader that another book about Tony is coming out. I do think that my readers who enjoy reading biography style books might enjoy Tony's story.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.