A review by abjames500
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor, by Hank Green


*Probably 4.5 stars*

I liked the first book more because it felt like a straightforward storyline and plot. But i still enjoyed this book too!

The muliple character perspectives really opened up the world, and every character was tackling a unique issue post Carl. I particularly like Miranda’s perspective as well as Andy’s. I really really wish Robin was more involved and that was a let down for me! I thought his character was great in the first book.

The plot felt all over the place to me but things did come together at the end. If alittle fast at the end. I thought the beginning of the book was much different than the ending. We went from cow town to defeating Carl’s brother.

There were times that the book was preachy in its message but i could also tell Hank felt strongly about his message. And it was a message that should be told.

I thought Carl’s brother was thrown in there halfway through, but that’s because there was no lead up to it happening. I thought the Book of Good Times was creative until so many people got them! Carl was nudging may people to follow a path he supposedly did not know the outcome of. And i thought Altus was interesting and reminded me of TikTok currently. The crypto currency might have gone over my head sometimes, but that’s probably because im not interested in it in the real world. And i thought alot of the issues in this book were exactly like the issues we have been facing since the global pandemic, which i did find ironic and fresh reading from a new society.

Overall a good sequel and a great duology!