A review by maplessence
Enter a Murderer by Ngaio Marsh



Well here's a surprise!

I've never been a whole hearted, absolute Marsh fan - although I did like [b:Death At The Dolphin|3196191|Death At The Dolphin|Ngaio Marsh|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1354124832s/3196191.jpg|446445] (read pre joining GR) & [b:Tied Up In Tinsel|280995|Tied Up In Tinsel (Roderick Alleyn, #27)|Ngaio Marsh|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1173384457s/280995.jpg|272584] very much. I find Marsh annoyingly arch & twee & if she wasn't a snob herself, she seemed to delight in creating snobbish characters But I enjoyed this book very much.

The books main strengths come from Marsh's own theatrical background & her sly depictions of the actors all seeing themselves in turns of a performance.

I used to love the old black & white movies!♫ I could hear the old music in the background. ♫

How authentic this book is in showing 1930s police procedures I wouldn't know. I know I swallowed it all in my younger years & I think pre telephones & computers things were done differently.

And it was so nice reading London addresses from a time when people lived in houses!

I did guess the murderer quite easily, but I won't write this entertaining mystery down because of that. What I found a little clumsy was
Spoiler Marsh's stiff & awkward depiction of heroin use.
Clearly something she wasn't comfortable with & knew little about.

But in this book Marsh & theatre = awesome!