A review by leontiy
Metaltown by Kristen Simmons

OK, so I loved this book until the end, but that's because the ending quite literally invalidates the whole damn book. The summation of this book is: lovely pretty rich girl gets what she wants, doesn't grow much as a person in the process even though we're led to believe she should/is; poor girl gets completely shafted at every angle. Completely "meh" romance tacked on.

This book honestly felt like: let's watch Lena Hampton try to ~grow~ as a person, oh look, see how she's grown! Let's all clap for the rich girl who gets everything she wants at the end. Huh. OK.

Additionally....... use of the slur "shemale" is pretty gross and isn't called out by any of the characters present, therefore is condoned by present characters. And likening dreadlocks to snakes just seems lowkey racist to me. Dreadlocks do not look like snakes.

(And for something to be steampunk, there kiiiiiinda has to be, yanno, steam. Not nitro. Not swipeable ID cards. Ughhhhh.)

Full review when I can figure out how the heck to review this book. :/