A review by sammy234
I'll Be Yours by Jenny B. Jones

I have complicated feelings towards this book.

I know that makes it sound like I'm talking about having a crush on some weird dude that plays xbox and belches but is also really attractive , but just bear with that phrase for a second.

On one hand , Jenny B. Jones is the author who influenced my childhood the most. When I was younger , I read all of her novels over and over again. My paperbacks of the charmed life series are stained and tattered. The Katy Parker series made me sob like a baby. Luke Sullivan is still my ultimate boy crush. I can remember whole passages of my favorite scenes. In fact , I used to recite them in my head when I had trouble falling asleep.

True story.

I was totally obsessed.

On the other hand , ( and this feels kind of sacrilegious to say) I didn't like this too much. I don't want to give it a bad review , though. It was really sweet and lovely , but maybe filled with too many conversations about the theme of the story .

This hurts on so many levels , so I'm just going to say that on a whole , as an author , Jenny B. Jones takes the cake. I will always have her books on pre- order and I will always be a mega - crazy fan , even if this novel wasn't my favorite of hers.

So yeah.

I recommend reading The Charmed life series and The first three books in The Katy Parker series first , then Save the date and There you'll find me ( cause they are stand -alones but also connected) , then Just Between you and Me , and by then you'll probably have a brain freakout about how good they are and want to swear your undying allegiance to Jenny B. Jones.

Just kidding. ( sort of)