A review by jen_baroness_mom
Peachy Scream by Anna Gerard


I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Peachy Scream by Anna Gerard is a fabulous mystery, set in this quaint small town in Georgia, with these wonderfully dynamic characters.

Is Len's death an accident, or is it murder?

Nina Fleet

Nina is our sleuth, innkeeper, and now an actress. Ok, that last one is a stretch, but she gives it ago. One of the things that I like about Nina is that she sees things differently than others, which can be good or bad. Nina is also curious but keeps her ethics strong. She makes a good sleuth. Oh, and isn't her dog Mattie cute. 

Harry Westcott

Harry is an actor, and his aunt was the previous owner of Nina's house, now the Fleet House Bed and Breakfast. He once said he was going to sue Nina for the house. However, I think the two of them may also have a bit of a flirtation going on. They seem to be getting along better. Harry seems lost to me. His aunt was that one person that he felt unconditional love from, and now that she is gone, he doesn't have a home. 

I like Harry, he listens to Nina and goes along with her schemes. They make good partners. Although, with Harry, I can't tell if he is scheming. Yet, I like the attraction between the two of them.

Peachy Scream CRThe Mystery

The mystery is the death of a businessman, one of the actors staying at the B&B for the Shakespeare Festival in town. Most of the others in the troupe don't like Len, and he has a way of picking on people. Yet, Len does have money and a trophy wife. Let's say there are lots of suspects with motive. The reasoning caught me off guard; that is for sure.
Five Stars

I love a good mystery, especially those with a hint of romance. This small town in Georgia is pretty lovely; I look forward to the next book in this series. My rating for Peachy Scream by Anna Gerard is five stars. I recommend this book to all cozy readers out there.

First Book in Series

Peach Clobbered by Anna Gerard


Prize: (3) Signed Print Copy - Peachy Scream: A Georgia B&B Mystery by Anna Gerard - U.S. ONLY

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Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Peachy Scream by Anna Gerard. Check out the other stops and giveaway if you have time.

Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT


This Guest Review is for Baroness' Book Trove. 

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove