A review by scrollsofdragons
The Name of All Things by Jenn Lyons



When I heard it was going to back in time from another perspective I worried it wouldn't be so good and I was kinda right. This did not live up to the first one but I have hope the series will improve. This book wasn't bad, I really liked it and could not stop reading it but it was a let down.

First of all, this book was told over a few hours? Okay. They are some fast talking you guys did. And the way them sitting in the inn taking turns to follow their story, was like but would you really mention this much in a retelling of your account of what happened? It's like let me tell you my story while I add shit I never would ever remember.

Second of all, the horse references have got to stop. Too many, like got the point from the start, stop. Like I get it from the start. And no, this doesn't make your country any less sexist then all the others.

Thirdly, Janal's story is not half as interesting as Khirin's was. And didn't need all this page time, her story could have been told in a quarter of what it actually was.

Fourthly, did not care for the romance which had such a lack of attraction and heat I don't know why it was included. And they love each other after three days of Janal just telling her story to the dude and then like a couple hours of them fighting together? Really? Where was the chemistry, cuz I didn't see none.

Fifthly, this cast of characters just weren't as great as the cast from the first book. Yes we got some of them in this but it just weren't the same.

Lastly, Janal is our main character and I just found her, alright. I like the priest but it's still just I like you and that's it. Also so many times she was too merciful like someone tries to kill her and she then saves their life, so many times I was like leave it, why are you upset over that? But then she would make such a anti-hero decision, she was a right contradiction at times.

So the sequel, my fave boy is back and I have hope he will deliver. Also I heard I am finally going to get my ship, kinda.