A review by feralopossum
Tinkering with Love by Aliyah Burke


Maybe I was just in a mood when I read this?
I like Dawson's grumpy character. But she was all over the place with liking/hating Tully. I couldn't keep track of her mood in any given scene.
Tully had insta love vibes, but didn't make a real effort when push came to shove. (Also how is his mom pro-Dawson, yet acts like she wasn't a part of the issue?)

Plot Issues
- Calling the coworkers by their cabin names half the time was confusing AF
- There were times where it references off page events, but it felt like the scene was cut versus just being off page. (like hanging out with the girls, or Dawson magically having a SUV after her needing Maria to drive her around)