A review by ceena
Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs


I wasn't sure if I was going to like this one because we weren't going to get in a lot of the other awesome side characters. Even though Stefan appears in this book, I don't think he got enough time, but I also don't see how his character can be enhanced or broadened compared to others such as Bran or Marsilia.....or even new characters like Larry.

I did miss Ben, but he got a few good lines in, so I'm satisfied.

The twist.... I was so completely taken by surprise. Yet, I don't think it was possible.... There were so many lies. I don't know what to believe-- I think there should have been hints if only so we could look back later and say 'yes there is totally a possibility this could be a thing' instead of just not believing.

I'm glad we got to learn more about Mercy's power! Although, 10 books in I feel like she should kinda know and be able to have a handle on it... or be on her way with it... idk. Doesn't keep me from loving series, but I do wonder what will happen next ^_^