A review by citizen_noir
Our Man: Richard Holbrooke and the End of the American Century by George Packer


Behold Richard Holbrooke: bloated, bloviating, self-serving, embarrassing blunderbuss of foreign wars and hotspots, from Vietnam all the way to Afghanistan.

Behold Richard Holbrooke: brilliant, dedicated, relentless ambassador who meticulously crafted the Bosnian peace accords.

OUR MAN, by George Packer, is also brilliant, using Holbrooke as the Quixotic ambassador whose 50 year career so aptly describes the highs and lows of U.S. foreign policy over the same past half century. Packer employs first, second, and third person narrators to tell the story in a way that is amusing, entertaining, and unforgettable. I highly recommend this one.