A review by pagesplotsandpints
Unchanged by Jessica Brody


Initial Impressions 2/14/15: 4.25 - 4.5 stars -- Wow, what a really, really great finish to this series from Jessica Brody! I really just loved so many things about this book. It was incredible how much this series grew and evolved throughout the course of the trilogy. I was REALLY impressed with everything that transpired in UNCHANGED. Lots of things I didn't see coming, lots of great character development, lots of action.
Thank you for such an entertaining trilogy, Jessica! I had so much fun with this.

Full review as originally posted on The Book Addict's Guide: Thank you, Jessica Brody, for a great finish to this trilogy! It's been so much fun reading this series and I've been absolutely impressed with how much it's grown over time. I had the pleasure of interviewing Jessica for the Unchanged Blog Tour and what I thought was really interesting was that she said she sort of wrote each book as a stand-alone but each of them were connected and I really liked this concept! A lot of time went by in between picking up one book to the next since I read each one right around its pub date so it was actually really great to be able to pick up the next book and not feel totally lost because I couldn't remember what happened previously. (UNCHANGED had a nice little refresher too.)

The overall concept of UNCHANGED was so interesting. It's no spoiler to say that when the book opens, we sort of re-meet Sera... After all of the progress that she made in UNFORGOTTEN, she's once again a slave to Diotech's mission although she believes in it willingly. This realization and what it means for her (and Zen) is just heartbreaking but it was also so much fun to root for Sera the whole book to wake up and smell the coffee and to take down the man!

Naturally, this causes complications for the romance. (BIG ones.) Not only is Sera back in with Diotech, but she feels connected with her "print mate" Kaelen. At the same time, she still remembers Zen but is convinced he had brought her over to the dark side (the events that occurred in UNFORGOTTEN). I'll admit there were times in UNREMEMBERED when I wasn't quite convinced what was so great about Zen and then really started to like him in UNFORGOTTEN and I started to totally understand -- the UNCHANGED sort of shattered those pieces! (In a good way?) It brought about SO much more emotion and I got incredibly invested in everything that was going on! It really helped bring out so many more sides of each character as well. We get to dig a lot deeper into the minds of Sera, Zen, Kaelen, and even Dr. A!

UNCHANGED was a thrilling conclusion to this series! There was a whole lot of action and lots of great developments that kept pushing the plot forward. I really loved getting to know the characters so much better in this book and it was definitely the one I was most invested in plot-wise and emotionally! The Unremembered Trilogy was so entertaining and I was so happy to read such a well-put together science fiction collection! Everything got so much more detailed in each book and I just really love how it all came together in the end.