A review by evavroslin
Suipsalms: Collected Poetry by John Edward Lawson


I knew this would be difficult to handle for me because of the subject matter, but I am glad I took my time and made my way through this poetry collection at my pace, because it is extremely powerful. Masterful. This is a collection whose content will leave a lasting impact long after you've read the pages. Deeply personal and intense, only someone who has gone to the same depths of the feelings the author describes will "get" it on a profound level. The commentaries on how society thinks it has done so much better with mental health issues (even though it hasn't, and a lot of is posturing) as well as the deep marks of racism, now more relevant than ever, radiate throughout this book. Lawson's experimentation with form and mixing formats also makes this a very unpredictable reading experience that will keep you turning the pages.