A review by mbenzz
Lucy by Ellen Feldman


This was a really good read. A historical fiction novel based on fact. I had no idea that Franklin D. Roosevelt had an affair, but the way Ms. Feldman tells it, it's not trashy or disgraceful. Franklin and Lucy Mercer are two people who truly loved each other, but given the time period, just could not be together.

Lucy Mercer met Franklin when she became his wife Eleanore's personal secretary in 1914. At this time Franklin was Assistant Secretary of the Navy, years away from the presidency. The two didn't begin their love affair until 1916, and it lasted for two years. But in 1918, upon returning from an overseas trip to see how WWI soldiers were faring, Eleanor was unpacking Franklin's bag when she discovered a stack of love letters from Lucy, tied together with a velvet ribbon.

Eleanor offered Franklin his freedom by getting a divorce (which was almost unheard of in 1918) so he could marry Lucy. He was planning to do just that, but his personal advisers got to him, and let him know that if he married Lucy Mercer, his shot for the presidency was gone. Divorce had never been in the white house, and the country certainly wouldn't elect a man who abandoned his wife and 5 children for his mistress.

In the end, his dream of becoming President won out, and Lucy and Franklin didn't see each other for over 20 years. But in 1940 they reconnected, and in 1941, Lucy (whose husband had suffered a stroke, and was confined to a wheelchair) began seeing the President under the false Secret Service name of Ms. Johnson. Lucy continued to see Franklin every opportunity she could until his death in April 1945 at Warm Springs, which she was there for.

Ms. Feldman has done a fantastic job of portraying the love these two shared, while also showing the strength and unbreakable spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. I absolutely recommend this book. If you know nothing of this beautiful love story then definitely pick this up. One things for sure though, I'll never look at President Franklin D. Roosevelt the same way again!