A review by kerasalwaysreading
Founded on Goodbye by Kat Singleton


Founded on Goodbye was an emotional story based around lies and deceit for the sake of good music.

Nora Mason is a dancer who is approached by the manager of one of the most popular music artists with a proposition… make Nash Pierce fall in love with her and break his heart. His music is suffering and he needs a broken heart to write another good album.

She never expected him to be someone she could, in turn, fall in love with… and the closer she comes to breaking his heart, the more she shatters her own in the process.

I love a good rockstar romance, but I hadn’t ever read one that details the back up dancer process and it was so much fun. The on stage performances in this book were some of my favorite parts. I absolutely loved Nora and Nash. Going into a book like this, you know that there is going to be some major heart break… and there IS! There is epic pain and emotion in this book. Nash is such a broken human. But he is also so incredibly beautiful, and the romance that builds between he and Nora is intense.

This was a heart stopper for sure!