A review by kaylo88
Jellyfish Age Backwards: Nature's Secrets to Longevity by Nicklas Brendborg

informative lighthearted reflective fast-paced


Overall I enjoyed this book. The author's writing style was captivating and infused with humour, which made the reading experience enjoyable throughout. I was pleasantly surprised to learn so much about the science of ageing, and the chapter on free radicals was particularly fascinating. 

However, as much as I enjoyed reading about this topic, it also made me reflect on our society's priorities. While we invest vast amounts of money and resources into prolonging human life, we must not forget that many people are living with debilitating, incurable illnesses that cause immense suffering. It would be wonderful if we could redirect some of these resources towards finding better treatments and cures for these life-limiting conditions which the medical community still knows little about. Instead, we're obsessed with making our short stay on this planet a longer one. 

Despite my reservations, I must commend the author for his exceptional writing skills, extensive knowledge, and evident passion for the subject matter. This book was an insightful read, and I am glad I read it.