A review by kate2440
Break It Up by E.M. Tippetts


I have read a few of E.M. Tippetts books from this series and I have enjoyed everyone of them so when I was asked if I wanted to review this one I jumped at the chance and I'm glad I did as it was just as good as the others.

I love the colours used in this cover but I would have liked it to have matched the others in the series a bit more even though this can be read as a stand alone it is still in the same world so it would have been better to match.

At the minute I am really into books that involve the celebrity world and this one was no different. Whilst reading this I kept changing my mind on if I was absolutely loving it to only just liking it. I loved that the relationship between Zach and Kyra was a slow one and with no real feelings announced throughout the book but you could get a feeling that there was something between them. It was great that we got a glimpse of Jason and Chloe making me want to revisit their story. I kind of liked the ending with things cleared up but also other things that could be found out in the coming books.

Most of these characters I loved and some I did warm to. Kyra was a great female character that grew up a lot throughout this book and before as she was classed as the 'bad girl' but she learned from her past mistakes. She just didn't always see her good qualities. I started liking Zach at the beginning as he was a sweet guy who wasn't into all the stereotypes that surround boybands. He did have a few moments when I felt he looked down at Kyra because of her past and didn't see her for how she was today. It surprised me that I actually liked Ben and even though he had his awful moments I couldn't help but think there was more to his character. I would love to see Ben have his own book.

Overall another good book from E.M. Tippetts and I'm looking forward to continue on with this particular series.