A review by marik0n
My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine


 2⭐️:I somehow finished this, it wasn't the worst, but i regret almost everything.

Let me start off by saying that I absolutely adore this book cover, since it’s so balanced and cute.

As for the book, even though I liked the concept when I saw it, the execution just didn’t work for me. It sure had its moments, but for the most part it was really hard for me to pick it up and read.

Cassie is a broke, innovative artist looking for an apartment, when she happens to see a too-good-to-be-true ad by some Frederick guy looking for a roommate for a ridiculous price rent. Naturally, she takes the deal but little does she know, that Frederick is actually a vampire that was in coma for the last century and now has difficulty adjusting to the 21st century lifestyle.

This a slow-burn, roommates to friends to lovers romance.

The first part of the book started strong, but it kind of started dragging towards the middle and completely blew it by the time we reached the last part to the point that I counted the pages in order for it to be done already.

Overlooking the fact that the plot has more holes than a sponge, Cassie gradually became unsufferable and that’s when I knew that this book can’t be saved for me. I hate this ‘Oh, I am good for nothing, I am so ugly, I am so stupid’ kind of female main character. I actually rolled my eyes continuously and want to scream at her to get a grip. I mean, come on girl. This, paired with the guy being the only one that understands how beautiful and unique she is gives me the ick. Sorry, but these elements are really a deal breaker for me.

As I said earlier the book sure had its moments (a vampire Swiftie? Say no more) but overall, it felt like the characters were extremely flat and there was barely any plot there. I really wanted to love this book and I am really bumbed that this wasn't the case.

To be honest, I wouldn't really recomment it since besides some very limited things I didn't enjoy reading it.