A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Don't Mess with the Ex by DJ Jamison


"I'd done exactly one impulsive, rash, foolish thing in my life - and now he was staring me in the face. My husband."

When we got the shock at the end of [b:Don't Date a DILF|124923360|Don't Date a DILF (Rules We Break, #1)|D.J. Jamison|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1685115733l/124923360._SY75_.jpg|146327950] revealing the existence of Tucker's secret husband I was already salivating for this book. Tucker has always been portrayed as a solid guy who puts his all into the town he manages. For him to have a long-lost secret hubby, I just knew there had to be a juicy story there. And I was right.

Almost right from the start I loved Laurie. Being in his head was insightful. It helped convince me how sincere he was about his feelings for Tucker. What happened to them 20 years ago was a tragedy. Anyone with two eyes could see how much those two adored each other. Not only that, but their tastes in the bedroom also seemed to perfectly align as well which led to some seriously steamy scenes.

"Fuck!... I forgot how wild you are."

"No, you didn't."

Tucker and Laurie's romance was incredibly romantic, despite the fact that Laurie's family was a threat throughout most of the book. The difference is now these men are older, wiser. Laurie has a determination in him and a plan, something he didn't have their first go around. Like Tucker, I believed him when he said this time would be different. And I'm glad I did because he was right. Their love and devotion to one another proved it could withstand anything thrown their way.

I loved all the funny moments that are littered throughout this series. The visits to Glazed Holes with its terrible tasting coffee gets me every time. Miles is a scream. I'm also excited that next in line for their story are the bros from the trivia group."Straight" dude-bros who also happen to be stepbros, what more could you ask for?