A review by abigcoffeedragon
Steampunk! An Anthology of Fantastically Rich and Strange Stories by Kelly Link


Over all, I would say that this has something for everyone, but not everything will be enjoyed by everyone. Whatever is to your liking, you will gravitate more towards some tales than others, but I feel that anyone that enjoys this genre will come away with liking at least half of these stories.

Cassandra Clare "Some Fortunate Future Day"
Though short, this is an interesting short story about love and time travel. Kind of a Groundhog Day vibe.

Libba Bray "The Last Ride of the Glory Girls"
This was a ton of fun. I would love to have a series about this group, as I felt that the tale was too short. A female cast for an Edgar Rice Burroughs type tale.

Cory Doctorow "Clockwork Fagin"
Yeah – this is a nice Oliver Twist kid of vibe for me – very cool story.

Ysabeau Wilce "Hand in Glove"
I hated the dialog tags in this one. He Said, She said after EVERY sentence, even if it was a question. The story is not horrible, a bit of a Jack the Ripper feel.

Delia Sherman "The Ghost of Cwmlech Manor"
More ghost story than Steampunk – I did not care for this one – when it ended, it finished abruptly.

Elizabeth Knox "Gesthemane"
Not a very memorable tale at all – the next day, I have forgotten everything about it.

Kelly Link "The Summer People"
This is an interesting tale, though I do not like the ending, as it holds nothing final.

Garth Nix "Peace in Our Time"
Took a few turns unexpectantly, but fell flat by the end.

Christopher Rowe "Nowhere Fast"
This had a great potential, but again, then ending was abrupt and non-absolute.

Dylan Horrocks "Steam Girl"
This was a relief, after I began to think that the rest of the collection would be bad. A modern day tale, with a girl that writes Burroughs-esque fantasy.

Holly Black "Everything Amiable and Obliging"
This is not really a good story. Has a bit of a quirky romance, but nothing contained made me enjoy this short story.

Anderson "The Oracle Engine"
This reads like Di Vinci in the Roman Empire. A new twist to the formula, which was enjoyable, but, the ending was very flat. And the science was a bit heavy handed for a short story.