A review by ashreads10k
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare


Before I get to my official review, I will share with you my initial reaction to City of Fallen Angels immediately after I finished reading it. (This was posted on Goodreads.)

Warning, there is foul language afoot.

Okay.... This book was a major MIND FUCK. But in a good way. :)Official review coming soon.

But, to bide the time while I find the correct words (that are not curse words, although a few of those will probably make it into the official review anyway) to write my review coherently and with actual substantial thoughts, I will pontificate here in a most unseemly way.


Secondly, Jace... WHAT THE HELL? If I were Clary, I totally would have dropped kicked your ass already. Boys... they never think things through at all.

Thirdly, Simon has cojones of steel. I approve. I'm also slightly turned on by the mention of his name. Mmmmm. Simon.

Fourthly, I love Magnus Bane. I think he and I would make great buddies. Y'know, if he existed. (which, someone as glitteringly awesome as him DOES, OF COURSE)

Fifthly, (is that a word? am I ruining grammar in my teenage angst?) the ending made me want to beat my head against a wall. Repeatedly.

This concludes my deviation from normal reviewing protocol. But honestly, this book requires several swear words at once. In fact, I don't think the ones invented already quite cover it. They need to make new curse words just for CoFA. And I'm talking scary ass ones.

Like pumpernickel.

And germinate.

Although I think those are already words...


That sounds a bit naughty.

Okay, I guess I lied when I said "This concludes my deviation for normal reviewing protocol" before, but now I'm totally telling the truth. I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED COFA, and I had all these weird thoughts racing through my head, and I thought "Hey, why don't I write these down on Goodreads? Good idea." Because I mean, honestly, I never write reviews like this when I'm thinking coherently. It's also entirely possible that I'm on some sort of CoFA high. That shit is a drug of the highest order. Swear.

I obviously need to stop now.

Yes, this was my reaction to City of Fallen Angels in a nut-shell.

More than anything, I was disappointed. I felt like this book wasn’t necessary. It was just more icing on an already expertly made and fucking delicious cake. (See? I told you a curse word would slip in here.) I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it, because I certainly did, but this is not the best book in the series. I’d even say it’s my least favorite out of them all.

I love Jace, I do. He even made the Number 1 spot on my Top Ten YA Boys list. His witty remarks can always put a smile on my face… But I just wasn’t feeling him in CoFA. I understand that he being physically depleted by lack of sleep, and continuously terrorized by himself at what he could do to Clary if things got out of hand. I get it. But he made some really shitty decisions that made me scratch my head and say “Um, are you even thinking, or is there just a little fat goblin where your brain is supposed to be?” He did have his badass moments towards the end, but still.

BUT! There was a character that stepped up to the plate and added to what was lacking in the Jace-appeal: Simon. Oh, yes, my boy Simon. I always liked him, but just saw him as the awkard geeky best friend. But in CoFA, he really blossomed. We see things from his perspective about as equally as we see from Jace and Clary’s, so we got a good look into his head and him as a person. I really loved him, and can’t wait to read more of him.

Plot-wise, it was okay. Like I said, I felt like this book was unnecessary, so to me it felt like Cassandra Clare was picking up loose ends that didn’t really need to be picked up, and tying them together to make another story. But it worked, and it gave us insight to other characters such as Alec and Magnus. (Who, by the way, is one of my favorite characters ever.) We even met two new characters, who played big roles in the book and added to the already high tension of the novel.

Overall, I liked it. It was a good book, and yes I’m going to get the next one, because why wouldn’t I? But it let me down. I give this 3.5 out of 5 stars.