A review by fleurette
The Quick Red Fox by John D. MacDonald


This is a pretty good book, not truly outstanding but enjoyable. My first in this series and probably by this author.

Travis makes an interesting and complicated hero. He could be more developed, but I am generally okay with him. He is smart and most of the time he didn’t annoy me. At the same time, I think that Dana's character is not entirely successful. Something is missing. Some consistency of personality. Consequence in actions. This inconsistency seemed strange to me most of the time. There is something off about her making her an unquestionably one-time character.

The plot line is nice. The search for a blackmailer is a positive change from the usual search for a murderer. Of course, there are also some dead bodies here. The identity of the killer is definitively unobvious and interestingly intertwines in the whole tangled story of people who once spent some fun time together doing things they would gladly forget. And this is a very remarkable group of people with self-destructive tendencies, pretty miserable.

Although if I am to be completely honest, I suspected that Lee is behind it all. For some reason, it seemed to me an obvious solution. On the one hand, I am glad that my predictions have turned out to be completely wrong, but on the other hand I think that the decision of making the villain the photographer's helper (who does not even appear in the book) is very weak.

Anyway, I enjoyed this story and Travis as a hero, I may read another book in this series one day.