A review by allisondukes
172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad


*3.5 stars

Coming up with a rating for this book was a little difficult as I felt that the beginning was pretty slow, but the ending was really interesting. It wasn’t until about halfway through the book that we get to the part where they are actually on the moon, so I had a hard time getting into the story. I’m glad I pushed through the slow start because I do think this book is worth reading. I wouldn’t necessarily say I was scared reading this, but the best word to describe it is “unsettling”. Imagining even stepping foot on the moon is pretty terrifying to me, let alone having to experience what these characters did.

What I liked:
- Extremely effective at making me feel uneasy
- The author included real facts about space/space travel that were intertwined with his fiction
- I particularly enjoyed the parts from the perspective of Mia
- The ending really picks up and is paced well

What I didn’t like:
- Beginning felt pretty slow to me
- Some of the interactions between characters seemed unnatural/unrealistic
- I was able to guess the ending once we begin to realize what the characters are encountering