A review by saphirablue
War Stories: New Military Science Fiction by Jaym Gates, Andrew Liptak, Rich Larson


As always with anthologies - there are some stories I love, some I didn't like and some that I like/are okay.

I really liked that the stories are separated into themes. I personally love the stories in the "Armored Force" and "Aftermath" sections the most but some of the stories in the other sections are also incredible.

I really, really love that there are so many different/diverse characters and backgrounds. There are female and male soldiers. There are near future to distant future stories. Same-sex and opposite-sex couples (and even stories without lovestory/couples). Stories set on Earth and on distant planets. There are white and non-white characters. Stories in which it is easy to tell if you are reading about the "bad guys" or the "good guys" and stories in which it is not to tell at all. Stories that are perfect just the way they are and stories that make you long for more. There are stories that scare you because they could happen in reality and stories that scare you because you are reading a good science fiction story.

I love that sometimes "war" doesn't mean battles and firefights and so on. War can also be something happening on a computer screen or in your head/mind/feelings. War impacts everyone on a different level and just because someone doesn't have visible scars doesn't mean that they aren't there.

Some of these stories will stay with me for a while.