A review by novelesque_life
Outsider by Linda Castillo


2020; Minotaur Books/St. Martin's Press

What I loved about the Outsider was that we get to know more about Kate's life before she became the Chief, and after she leaves her family. When Gina, also a police officer, is found wounded Kate is drawn back into their complex relationship. Gina was the one who took Kate in and taught her about the English way of living. Together they attended the Police Academy to become police officers. Both have taken different paths, and it at one time drew them apart. Can Kate trust Gina, who is also putting an Amish family in danger? This is another suspenseful novel that had be reading that last half until I finished the book. This novel can be read as a standalone but you do miss out on a lot of the characterizations.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***