A review by kerasalwaysreading
Infinity Alchemist by Kacen Callender


This was a very character driven story about three young alchemists on the search for a powerful book, that if fallen into the wrong hands, could be devastating.

Ash wasn’t accepted into an elite school of alchemy, he takes a groundskeeper’s position there instead. There he meets Ramsey and the two form an intense bond on their search for the Book of source, the most powerful book on alchemy in existence.

I loved the evolution of their romance, the intensity it was built on. But, outside forces and pasts converge, creating obstacles that are dangerous, putting them in almost constant peril.

There is so much more depth to this book! I loved the storytelling and the diversity among the characters. There is a lot of reconciling with past wrongs, dealing with the reverb of actions of past generations and so so so much emotion.

I really enjoyed this magical, romantic, queer fantasy.