A review by ktomp17
Into the Mystic, Volume Three by M. Hollis, Artemis Savory, L.J. Hamlin, Lis Valentine, Michelle Frost, Bru Baker, K. Parr, Ava Kelly, Ziggy Schutz


This was a collection of lesbian paranormal/fantasy stories. As an overall collection, it was pretty good. I loved some and wasn't overly fond of some, but it was a nice mix. There was some fantasy world vibes in two of the stories, a slight historical feel for a couple of them, and some werewolves and vampires. These were all short stories, and pretty much every story was an HFN with no real feeling of an HEA. As an overall collection, I would give this 3.5 stars, but I'll round up for GR sake.

It Started Before Noon – This had a historical fantasy vibe, and that isn't my ordinary cup of tea. This was a sweet story, though.

Heart’s Thaw – I liked the premise. The curse allowed the two women to finally open up regarding their feelings. I would've been interested in knowing how/if they could make it work.

Fire and Brine – A succubus and a siren. Interesting combination, and super hot, steamy story.

Dance with Me – A private eye werewolf is hired by a princess vampire. No real heat to this, but it had good character development and a great story. I really enjoyed this one.

My Cup of O Pos – A vampire patient gets treated in the ER by a human doctor. It was a sweet story, and it had some great elements of focus on disabilities and privilege. Didn't understand the title, though (other than it references blood and one character is a vampire).

Home – Newly transformed werewolf is learning how to navigate the transitions and new life. It was an interesting story, and I liked the interactions between the new wolf and the alpha.

Swoon – Definitely not my cuppa. I don't love pirate stories, and this almost went down a non-con path (thankfully it stopped). The story almost worked out too perfectly at the end, which should make me happy because I like happy endings, but it seemed a little too pat for my liking.

The Hunt – Sweet coming of age (at age 42...lol) for a vampire who is engaging in her first bite. I loved the moms.

By Candlelight - A girl dies and meets the reaper, who looks like her. It was a bit weird and confusing at times. I still don't know how and why everything happened at the end.

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