A review by steffi_au_penguinbooks
Smaragdgrün by Kerstin Gier


“Hearts can't be broken because they're made of marzipan.”

I just love love love the Precious Stone Trilogy! I don't know how many times I have already re-read these books, but it's always funny to read them, no matter how old I am.

Emerald Green is the last installment and it's definitely as good as the previous two. However, the first part was a little bit long-drawned, because our poor Gwendolyn (Gwyneth) was whiny at the beginning. Nevertheless, Gwen has Leslie (Lesley) and Xemerius, who helped her a lot! Without Gwen wouldn't still know the truth ;) I also really liked Gideon in this book. Well, I did like him before, but he shows a very kind and cute site (don't worry, he is still the old Gideon)
I really want Xemerious for myself! I cracked up so many times by his comments. My favourite one is:

“That morning, the two eagerly awaited fairy-tale princes had left their white horses in the stable for once and traveled by Tube,” declaimed Xemerius unctuously. “At the sight of them, the eyes of the two princesses shone, and when the two concentrated sets of young hormones collided, expressing themselves in the form of embarrassed kisses and silly grins, the clever and incomparably handsome demon unfortunately had to throw up in a garbage bin."

Further, Emerald Green has two very shocking and surprising moments. Every question we had while reading the first two books are answered in Emerald Green.

Sadly, the ending had been a bit too rushed,, it could have been definitely better. It just felt too abrupt to me. Another point is that the whole series takes place in only two weeks and I find this a bit unrealistic ^^

All in all as mentioned above, I love this series, no matter how girlish the books are. Than, Goodbye Gwen and Gideon!

“Gideon grinned down at me. “Ready?” he whispered.
“Ready when you are,” I replied automatically.

4.5 stars for Emerald Green and for the whole trilogy