A review by tjlcody
If We Survive by Andrew Klavan


Not especially well-written.

As entertaining as it was to watch Jim get told to STFU with his utter inability to understand that the revolutionaries were not the brave, progressive heroes he assumed they were (He reminds me of the adorable little Tumblr-Communists who casually ignore the millions of bodies racked up by "brave revolutionaries" around the world and watching him get a brutal reality-check was satisfying) I really don't think I can slough my way through the rest of this.

I just can't take it seriously. On one hand it's possibly the most dull book about a violent coup that I've ever read, and on the other hand the writing is just so... Not good. Apparently this book is marketed at middle/early high school age, and to be blunt, the author sounds like he's trying waaaaaay too hard to sound like one of the hip young cool kids.

I made it halfway through, and I'm not interested in going any further.