A review by knottykay
The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer


First question, this was a Stephenie Meyer book? Wait what?

Initially when I saw this book I damn near had a freak out in the store. Imagine me trying not to cause a scene while screaming "No way! A new Stephanie Meyer book!!" in my head. I picked the book up and read the back. Hmm, okay not usually my type of book but I thought the exact same about “The Host/Stephenie Meyer" and I've read that book over 9 times already. So I bought it.

So typical me, I want to dive right in. That was when I realized that this book was different from the rest of her novels. I couldn't do it. I tried forcing myself through the first couple chapters and I just couldn't do it.

*almost a year later*

I picked up the book enthusiastically promising myself I would finish it and guess what, I did it!

My second attempt was much more pleasant. It wasn’t a book I rushed through or needed to finish. I read it bit by bit, night by night. Even if this book was isn’t usually a book I’d pick up, I still found the book enjoyable but nowhere near as good as “The Host/Stephenie Meyer” or even as good as “Twilight/Stephenie Meyer” and it’s sequels.

The aspect of a chemist used as an interrogator was new but quite interesting for me. It was neither a thrilling nor complete waste of time. There was some pretty good action scenes and plot twists throughout the book.

I may not be this books biggest fan but it sure might be someone else’s cup of tea. I will still be reading all Stephenie Meyer’s books, hopefully there is more to come!