A review by hama
After Dark by Haruki Murakami


Its 02:09 A.M and havent slept a bit. Which is appropriate because i was reading "After Dark" . I honestly wanted to finish this book in one night but got distracted and couldn't do. Maybe it will be something i would do in future when i read this book again. The book was marvelous none the less. I loved every details and aspects of Tokio in a night.
The book was more about the connection between people. That everyone has their own darkness hidden deep within. Especially when someone come out from the darkside and enter to brightside of their life and the darkness will no longer will be able to penetrate their life but somehow the gaze will be expecting more darkness and expecting the worse. This book demonstrates that in detailed. Just like Takahashi said "Any single human being, no matter what kind of a person he or she may be, is all caught up in the tentacles of this animal like a giant octopus, and is getting sucked into the darkness. You can put any kind of spin on it you like, but you end up with the same unbearable spectacle".
In the end it is always something in our head and there is hope to end this loop.

I think i said "Darkness" a lot. Sorry about that. Let me know what you think about this book if you read it. If not i would suggest you to read it.