A review by librovert
The Lord of Illusion by Kathryne Kennedy


I'm giving this book a four star review, but it's really pushing five.

The world of this series is a Georgian England ruled over by seven crazy Elven Lords who use their subjects as pawns in a game to control the King of England. Each Elven Lord has a scepter that allows him to concentrate his power. A rebellion has been undermining the lords and each book tells the story of a couple stealing a scepter from the lord. There are seven lords, this is the third book.

Because this book was to be the last, Kennedy had a lot of information to fit into it. Not only did she have to lead us through the events our heroes took part in, she had to fill in the important things that happened in the 40 years leading to the beginning of The Lord of Illusion.

Unfortunately, the story suffered for it. It was still a great read, but there was a lot of detail to the world and everything felt super rushed.

Definitely a recommended series - and it looks like Kennedy is thinking about some novellas in the same world to tell the untold stories. Will definitely read.