A review by sookie13
The Sunken Cathedral by Kate Walbert


I really wanted to like this. The author is very clearly talented and writes some beautiful prose- there are moments where a sentence really grabs at you, which to me is a huge indication of talent and promise, but this book just didn't do it for me. It could have been the editing, or the style of writing. This definitely may have worked better as a collection of short stories, because as a novel it feels barely stitched together. I think because parts of it were so thin, it's why I couldn't connect to any of the characters, or even care about what I was reading about. It was CONFUSING. I've read confusing books before and appreciated them, even liked them, but maybe as I get older I just don't have the patience for a book that isn't more direct with its reader. Kate Walbert is a lovely writer, but she needs to work more on plot construction and character development than her prose. Two stars for the beautiful language.
*I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway from the publisher.*