A review by revengelyne
Generations: Phoenix & Jean Grey #1 by Cullen Bunn, R.B. Silva, Stephanie Hans


Real Rating: 4.5

Teenage Jean Grey finds herself in another world. Here as she trudges through throngs of beach-goers, she finds the older version of herself enjoying a good book as she suns herself. For the young Jean Grey, seeing an older version of herself is unsettling and even more with the Phoenix force hovering just above her. As the raptor-like bird disappates into nothing, the older Jean Grey is distracted by the arrival of a male, who tries to strike up a conversation with her. Unfortunately, older Jean is not interested in any way and sends of the male off. She, then, turns to the younger version of herself.

Older Jean does not quite seem so happy to see her younger self. It is at this point the younger Jean starts bombarding her older self with questions but the older version doesn't answer them right away. Instead asks younger Jean if she would like something to eat. The two end up at a resturant and then at a dance club. It is here where older Jean finally offers to give her younger version a taste of what the power of the Phoenix force.

The two head into space and to a world that is currently in chaos where its inhabitants are fleeing in terror from Galactus and his herald. Of course, Phoenix steps in to stop Galactus from devouring the world but it ends up taking both Jeans in stopping him.

For younger Jean, this still makes her resolve in destroying the phoenix force stronger especially since the older version of herself really has no idea of the corrupting powers she has coursing through her veins. And even before younger Jean can really offer any sort of answer to older Jean's inquiry, the Watcher appears and sends young Jean away.


Just wow!

This issue was awesome! Younger Jean had a chance to see exactly what the Phoenix force was capable of - life saving. Of course, younger Jean still has it fresh in her mind of the darker aspects of what the force is capable of. So seeing the two versions of Jean together was a real treat!

I am hoping that this is the beginning of the revival of older Jean. I would love to see her come back to life and perhaps be there when the Phoenix force comes for her younger counterpart.

Or perhaps the Phoenix may not even be coming for the younger Jean. Maybe it could be coming for the older? Now that would be something!