A review by gelisvb
The Quantum Thief, by Hannu Rajaniemi


This book until the 70% mark was incredible: full of multilayered characters, interesting plot, narrative meeting science, engaging and overall incredibly good.
Until 70% this book was an easy 5 stars.
Then the author decided to ruin his own book with disturbing things that made no sense or were plain weird and disturbing.
It's details so they are not truly spoilers, but I really don't want to read about the male protagonist having sex with the body of lesbian female protagonist and then not having any kind of repercussion and without even being blamed for it and there was no NEED for it to happen.It was plain disturbing.
Another WHY? thing was the romance between secondary characters;it was very, very badly handled, it felt like the author changed his mind halfway and for no reason. Why introducing it in the first place? How did that ended anyway? What was the point? Smart people are supposed to stay alone because they are unable to truly love someone? You already made that point with the protagonist, why introducing something that was just upsetting and ruining a good female character?
And the ending was rushed and not satisfying and confused.