A review by rosetyper9
The Harlot by Saskia Walker


Saskia Walker, as always, continues to surprise and astound me at her ability to adapt and form a story true to an era, a time, or a character as opposed to writing each of her stories in her own singular voice. I love the old world erotic novel feel of this book, it fits and makes you feel more into the story. I would have loved more information about the witch hunts, I know it's sort of a downer for an erotic novel but I would have loved to learn more about this time in history

I love Jessie in this story. She is a firecracker and she has no qualms about making dark sure everyone knows it. She does was she wants, when it suits her, and she makes no apologies for it. I like Ramsay but I had a hard time connecting to him, he seemed to distant for me to really get a good connection to him but he is still a good character. I love that he is able to accept his love for Jessie for what it is and not try to run far far away from it. Ms. Walker has an ability to turn characters into treasured and loved friends and I found a new and kindred friend in Jessie. She is a women after my own heart.

The plot twists here and there and the sensuality is, as always, top notch but I didn't feel a real love for the plot, I just wanted more the characters. I found myself wanting to see what Jessie would do next as opposed to knowing Mr. Ramsay's nefarious plans. This book will be added to my collection to be read over and over.