A review by redamancyreads
Fallen University: Year One by Callie Rose


You’ve likely heard that phrase that goes a little something like, “They have more talent in their little finger than I do in my whole body..”

THAT my friends, is the epitome of Callie Rose.

After reading Fallen University, I can imagine her in a castle setting sitting up high in a tower, dipping a feathery quill into an ink pot. When she removes the quill from the ink? All you see is glittery gold.

Without giving spoilers, the story is about a girl who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe the right place at the right time? Seeing as where it gets her, right?

Nobody likes a cheating asshole and thankfully our girl Piper doesn’t let shit fly with her boyfriend and once she’s bid him adieu she runs into who I like to think of her BFF-andeverandeverandever - because, I loved her instantly the moment they met. ;)

Some shit goes down and then they wind up somewhere (okay so I don’t want to give anything away..so just work with me here!) and it’s in this place that I had my first laugh out loud snorting moment with this book (yes..there is more than one..no shame in my snort game!)

There’s some ka-pow action and then they wind up somewhere totally new! And again..no spoilers, but it’s all good ;)

Here’s where I stop with the loose list of events because I am NOT going to tell you ANYTHING about what happens next because you need the angst and the surprise and the STEAMY GOODNESS in your life the same way I got it..when you read it!

And you should. I promise you’re not going to be disappointed. The development between the characters feels totally and completely natural! Which I think is pretty difficult to achieve with an RH that has a more fast burn feel to it, but it absolutely does NOT feel forced! That alone made me love this even more than I thought possible! <3

SO read it, now. :p