A review by rihoward
Devastate by Pam Godwin


4.6 Sweet Jesus Stars

This book. I was not prepared for this book. I didn't think anyone could top Van's place in this series. I was wrong. Tate. Sweet holy titfire. This man-made me believe in love again. The things he endured for Lucia. I cannot even. I loved watching his character grow as he came to heal from his time being a victim. I enjoyed watching his connection with Van grow into something more than a painful past reminder. I lived for their interactions. My heart broke for both of them at one part in particular. I enjoyed Lucia and her resilience to overcome also. She lost a lot in this story and that saddened me. It is a testament to her character that she didn't break doing what she was forced to do.

The story paved the way into where it was going next and I look forward to those characters. Definitely a great series but I differ in my opinion from other reviewers. I do not think this could be read as a standalone. I think it is important to build on the foundation of this story and see how far the characters have come (especially Van) in order to atone for what they have done in the past or what they had to endure.