A review by kjanie
Death: Vintage Minis by Julian Barnes


3.5/5 stars

"In the hierarchy of the dead it is visitor numbers that count. Is there anything sadder than an unvisited grave?

This was a very witty and insightful piece on one of the most morbid subjects that could be discussed. Instead of leaving this book saddened or downtrodden, I felt philosophical and insightful on all the ways to look at Death. The author had a very intelligent and curious tone, and I can't exactly put my finger on why I was so drawn to his voice, but I was. I wouldn't say that this was just about death, to be honest, I think this book was about life in general, and generations. My only criticism is that there was too many quote by other authors, artists etc. in times that I would have wanted this authors insight on a subject. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed this book and the philosophy that I took from it.