A review by saoki
Doctor Who: Time of Your Life by Steve Lyons


This book is a gory mess. A simple storyline turned confusing through an excess of characters and too many scenes where people are just running around and getting lost.
The idea and the setting aren't bad, it's just that for every interesting or inspired thing in the book there is at least one weird word choice, unfortunate sentence or confusing change of point of view (so many points of view. This too was a learning experience). And then, as the story moves towards the end, there are all those scenes that do nothing besides adding some action or killing an unnamed extra and it all feels a bit like a Five Nights at Freddy's novelization.
As a book, it feels like a lowbudget action movie from the 1980's, which could be a very good thing if only the author owned it.
And, yes, I do see how this book seems to have inspired the season finale in series 1 of the modern Doctor Who, though the TV series actually made use of the theme.

By all that I mean, you can safely skip this book, even if you are a 6th Doctor fan. I assure you.