A review by juntakinte1968
Kill Shakespeare: A Sea of Troubles by Anthony Del Col, Conor McCreery


To begin with, it is an amazing premise--to have these characters play in a shared sandbox. It obviously builds on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Fables. And to see the interactions is cool. I just wish that with all of the promise of the premise that it went a but further. The use of Shakespeare's fantastical elements is okay (the ghost of Hamlet's Dad, the Weird Sisters, etc.), but it really could've been expanded on. I also think that some of the interpersonal chemistry between these characters in their eventual meetings could've held for some great discussions (Hamlet and Othello could've really talked about being consumed by revenge). And the visual storytelling of the layouts sometimes leaves much to be desired. But still, it's a fantastic idea, some cool artwork, and builds towards something. Recommended, and a great way to introduce or supplement Shakespeare to those just learning about his work.