A review by clek625
Now Entering Addamsville, by Francesca Zappia


I was fortunate enough to receive an arc of this wonderful story at BookCon, and I say fortunate because–honestly?—I'm not sure I would've read it otherwise. And when I say I read it, I mean I devoured it in one sitting.

This small town setting in Indiana and the characters that populated it felt so real. The plot was super original—a kind of light thriller mystery with a cool contemporary fantasy twist. And it was so fast paced, and I am a sucker for a fast paced story. Not to mention, I thrive off snarky main characters, and Zora delivered. She clearly had her flaws, but her characterization was so well done, I was rooting for her through the whole book and really felt for her.

I'm also not usually a fan of books that don't have completely tidied and polished endings wrapped in a bow, but this story ended with just enough to satiate that need for a resolution for a plot that was chock full of questions and answers. There were a couple worldbuilding/world rule issues for me and a little confusion over some of the side characters' motivations and goals, but overall, this book hooked me more than I thought it was going to. I fell in love with the intriguing story and the very strong voice, and Zappia is definitely an author I will be looking for more of.