A review by chrissymcbooknerd
All the Things You Are by Courtney Sheinmel


**Disclosure: I received this novel as a free e-book from S&S Galley Grab. Although I am highly smitten with free books, all opinions are my own and are uninfluenced by the price I paid for the reading experience.**

Getting right down to business -- starting with the plot. ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE centers around Carly, a preteen with a pretty glamorous life. She goes to a ritzy private school, courtesy of her mom's high-profile job as a fashionista on a well known soap opera. Carly is no stranger to high end clothes or superstar diva celebrities -- so what more could a young girl want out of life, right?

One day Carly overhears a strange conversation between her mother and her mother's boss. Although she doesn't particularly take notice, she hears something about things "going too far" and "needing to stop". Only later when her mother is arrested on charges of embezzlement and conspiracy does Carly realize just how much can suddenly go wrong.

Now, Carly's best friend has abandoned her, refusing to mingle with the daughter of a criminal. And Carly is having a rough time growing up as it is -- so now, growing up without her mom? How will she ever get by?

Only when she really learns the meaning of forgiveness will Carly learn how to truly get on with her life.

I'd never heard of ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE, nor am I familiar with Courtney Sheinmel, but wow, I'm definitely glad I got a chance to read this through Galley Grab! I was drawn in right from the start! The author does a fabulous job with telling her story in a way that feels simplistic but wonderful -- just enough detail to keep things moving but not enough to really bog things down. The narrator's perspective was fresh, innocent, and youthful, which definitely kept things feeling genuine and age appropriate. The plot was interesting, and I definitely found myself invested in the character of Carly, which can be a bit harder to accomplish in a YA novel, I think.

I definitely enjoyed this novel, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone looking for a sweet, kind-hearted coming-of-age story.