A review by irish_bookfairy
Fairytale of New York by Miranda Dickinson


Yes, yes, yes!! A thousand times yes!!
I found this gem in the box of free books at our town library and chose it because of the title. Coincidentally it has the same title as my favourite song from my favourite movie. I knew it had to be a good one and my God, was it ever.
The writing was extremely in line with my own way of thinking, sarcasm and humour included and I loved every minute of reading it.

Rosie Duncan was hurt by love and put up walls as a result, something I think all of us have done at one point in our lives. It takes her past catching up with her, to slowly break down the walls and finally see what has been in front of her all along.

Throughout reading, I think I was as conflicted as Rosie was. Torn between two men, both seemingly unreachable.
Wanting things to work out with Nate but feeling sorry for Ed if things were to play out that way. It seems like I felt everything Rosie felt; anger, love, jealousy, pain, confusion...

The only thing I would change is her so called big secret. It was made out to be bigger than it was. I'm sure being left at the altar is heartbreaking, but the writer made it seem as if she was part of the mafia or something. Other than that, me likey!

It's been a while since I appointed 5 stars to a book, but when you end up with tears in your eyes at end, you know it was a good one.

Reading other's reviews made it clear once again that you can't judge a book until you read it yourself. What works for one, will not work for someone else. But it worked for me.