A review by kalventure
The Afterlife of Walter Augustus by Hannah Lynn


I finished reading this book 10 days ago and am only just now getting around to writing this review, which is so unlike me! I have to say that the premise of this book is so interesting: when you die you go to the Interim, a kind of in-between heaven, until you are forgotten on Earth.
'It's how people get trapped. Five minutes of fame. Less for some. And that's it. Once your name is on that thing [Google], eternity in the interim awaits. There is no escape.'
I really enjoyed the unique perspective and the whole twist of what happens to those that reach immortality in life because they are remembered. I found myself thinking about poor Plato and Sophocles and William Shakespeare being relegated to this in-between Heaven for all of eternity! I do wish that these famous people were explored more in the Interim because it would have made an interesting addition.

This story is told from dual perspectives:
➡️ Walter J. Augustus has been dead since the 1800s and slowly waiting for the last person on Earth that remembered him to pass away so he could be reunited with his family in Heaven.
➡️ Letty Ferguson is not dead and through a series of random events, she comes across Walter's book. And then their stories collide.

I found myself struggling a bit with Letty's POV and found my mind wandering quite a bit during her chapters but overall really enjoyed this refreshing read. I definitely was wondering about this Hector fellow and his ~intentions~ and found myself invested in the 'dead' cast of characters and what would happen to them. I loved Walter's character so much and enjoyed learning about his past. I'd definitely recommend this to someone interested in a unique and fast-paced read.

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