A review by catherynereads
Star Bright by Staci Hart


“You’re magic,” she whispered into my hair. “Blood magic maybe,” I joked. “No. Real live fairy godmother glitter magic. And I’m thankful to get a little stardust on me.”

This is so different from all the other books Staci has written, and yet it carried the same magic that she always seems to portray in her books. Star Bright is a fantastical, magical story based on the exhibition by Cecil Beaton titled Bright Young Things. It photographs the young, wealthy and glamorous socialites from the 20s & 30s and shows off their extravagant lifestyles. Staci took that concept and turned it into a modern day telling that still showed wisps of the original backdrop. The books follows the lavish parties Cecelia Beaton throws, a woman of mystery that very few know the identity of. Society wants to know who she is, the Police Sargent will do whatever it takes to find out, and Cecelia will do whatever she can to remain anonymous.

Stella Spencer is one of New York’s most elite and surrounds herself with the most glamorous of people. At one of Cecelia’s parties she meets Levi Hunt, a smoulderingly handsome man who seems to come out of nowhere. The chemistry between the two is undeniable, and yet the secrets they hold could easily extinguish any flame that may have ignited.

And we stepped through the doorway to be thrust into fantasy.

This backdrop of this story was truly something else. While reading, I felt like I was one of the Bright Young Things experiencing these lavish parties myself. I so desperately wish I could get a golden invitation inviting me to one of these events, as they seem like nothing I would ever experience in my lifetime. Staci always does such a great job making you feel like you are part of her stories. Whenever I read one of her books, I feel like I could really be in the world she is describing, and there is no greater gift that finding an author who’s writing is so good you can truly imagine being in their book.

Although these characters are wealthy beyond compare, they are humble and down to earth. It shows the tug and pull between the rich and elite vs the middle class, as our two main character come from entirely different worlds. Staci did a fantastic job fleshing them out, making you connect with both the main characters and the side characters equally.

I’m lucky enough to be part of Staci’s ARC team, and we’ve been privileged with getting to hear possible ideas for the second book, and let me just say, I cannot wait for this story to continue! There is such a magic to this story, one that proved to be the perfect escape from the realities of our 2020. I really loved every second of this book, and I hope that should you choose to pick this one up, that you connect to it in some way and that you feel like you’re a part of something bigger, if only for a second.

So party on, Cecelia Beaton. The world needs you now more than ever.

Thank you to Staci and her team for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.