A review by lauren_salsa
Everyone Loves You When You're Dead: Journeys Into Fame and Madness by Neil Strauss


Three-and-a-half-leaning-toward-four stars.

I’ve been reading this book off and on for about two years. To be honest, I’d forget about it and then notice it on the bottom of my book stack. Strauss was a longtime Rolling Stone and New York Times writer and this is a nicely collected set of his interviews (as opposed to the finished articles). Of course, like the celebrities he interviews, some are vastly more interesting than others. And, to be honest, his words are more interesting than most of those coming out his subjects’ mouths. The best parts of this collection were his asides, his introductions, and what he was doing at the time of the interviews, such as starting, “Madonna has an unusual way of relating to strangers” or talking about riding around California with Snoop Dogg. So perhaps I would have been happier reading a collection of Strauss’ articles instead of the interviews itself. But overall, this was a fascinating two-year read.