A review by jmanchester0
THE GOOD FIGHT: A Peaceful Stand Against Bigotry and Racism by David F. Walker


We're only going to change things by using our voices. That's why I think it's important to support writings and Kickstarters like this one.

The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." I really like The Arc. Interesting that it was done by a pretty great comics writer - Greg Rucka. But this particular comic makes us realize - if we don't changes things more quickly - things are going to hit the fan. We can't mismanage justice for long.

All the stories in this anthology were fantastic. I'm mentioning a few, but that doesn't take away from the rest of them being amazing, too.

Truth, Justice... by Van Jensen makes us remember that we all have a duty to do what's right. 

The story by Pat Shand - the black and white one a little more than halfway through the book - gave me chills. And so did Mark Waid's (because of course!); his was the last story in the book. 

Get and read this book. And think about what you can do to fight the good fight.