A review by the_fabric_of_words
The Wishmakers by Tyler Whitesides


Twelve-year-old Ace frees a genie from a peanut butter jar but every wish he grants comes with a consequence.

Ace, who can't remember a thing about his past, learns real quick that having the genie grant his wishes is not all it's cracked up to be.

Wish to walk on the ceiling? Then every door he opens, all day long, will fall off its hinges.
Wish for a mattress to sleep on? His left shoelace will come undone anytime someone claps their hands for the rest of the week.
Wish to know his past? Then every person who has ever known him will cease to exist.

There are some consequences Ace will accept and others he won't. But it doesn't stop there. The genie tells Ace he must use his wishes on a quest to save the world from a fate worse than death -- all the world's dogs and cats will turn into zombies, if he doesn't.

And to do that, he's got to keep wishing. And wishing. And wishing.

My, do those consequences add up!

A delightful read!

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